Friday, November 23, 2012


Well, if you don't speak Spanish or if you're not familiar with the Americanisms we have here, nada means nothing. I'm only calling it an Americanism because most Americans know a few Spanish words that we integrate into our normal everyday lives. Tacos don't count. I'm not sure if it's the same in other countries, so I'm sorry if it's not actually an Americanism. I'm not stuck up, I swear! ;)

I seem to spend a lot of time (okay, all) ranting about how much a suck and things along those lines. Nothing's really changed on any front, but oh well. I've had a week off school for our Thanksgiving break and so far I haven't even touched my homework. Oops! That is entirely my fault and I'll spend all of tomorrow frantically playing catch up. The good news is that I've had an amazing break. My sister and I cooked all day on Thursday, and I'm glad to say that dinner was amazing! Our guests ate almost everything, so the food was either really good or they were starving. ;P

I'll get back into that self-hate stuff when school starts again, but it's nice to be a little less high strung all the time. Have any of you seen Rise of the Guardians? I watched it with my friends and it's amaaazing. Jack Frost is strangely attractive for an animated character. It doesn't hurt that Chris Pine voice acts him.   <3 Oh, his voice!


1 comment:

  1. I heard of the word nada in my country too, but we don't use it much here. And yay tacos! I love tacos, they're yummy ^-^.
    Well I'm glad you have a break from school now, so you can relax a bit. Don't worry about school, it will be fine :).
